Testing Tour #6: Accessibility Testing with Viv Richards!
This year has definitely been a rollercoaster ride and I wanted to have small victories to signify that I have been resilient during times of distress. One of those was to wrap up my testing tour which I had happily kickstarted in the beginning of the year! Huge thanks to Viv, for agreeing to be on my testing tour and ending the year on a high note! Cheers! :) Viv and I took the role of driver and navigator interchangeably, which led to a wonderful pairing and learning session. We discussed and played around with the chrome lens plugin and MAC OSX inbuilt voiceover capability. Chrome lens plugin Viv explained to me about the power of chrome lens plugin - ChromeLens is a set of developer tools that allow developers to code websites better suited for the visually impaired. The three tools that are currently available are: Filters to experience a website as a blind or colorblind person. Scanners to audit the accessibility readiness of a website. Trackers to visually show the path